Property in Oakwood Village

464-468 Winona Dr , Toronto


Property ID
For Sale
Property Type
Lot Size
71 X 303.5 Ft.
$16,868 (2023)


The Location is ideal for the Proposed Development of a 200-unit, Eleven-story Rental Apartment Building, currently in the planning phase. This optimal utilization of the land is now absolutely supported by Toronto's municipal policies that focus on increasing Rental Housing availability to address the current housing crisis.Hence the previously approved townhouse project is no longer the Highest and Best Use of the land. The Land has been recently Appraised at $25,100,000 in as-is condition, mirroring its value with respect to the Proposed Development. According to the Appraisal Report, the completed building can generate over $5,000,000 Rental Income per year. ...
Furthermore, feasibility studies and additional information will be provided to the prospective buyer once a confidentiality agreement is signed following the acceptance of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.

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Location of the Property

464-468 Winona Dr, Toronto, Ontario M6C 3T7

Nearby Schools and Ratings

Source: Ontario school information and student demographics - grade 3 and 6 EQAO student achievements for reading, writing and mathematics, grade 9 EQAO academic and applied student achievements, grade 10 OSSLT student achievement | Open Government Licence - Ontario
Disclaimer: The property is not necessarily in the boundary of the schools shown above. There may be other, closer schools available that are not listed in the source, or the property can be in the boundary of farther schools that are not shown on this map. This tool is designed to provide the viewer an overview of the ratings of nearby public schools, and does not suggest association to school boundaries. To view all schools and boundaries please visit the respective district school board's website.
For further information and school ranking visit Fraser Institution and EQAO.

(416) 929-4343

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More About 464-468 Winona Dr

464-468 Winona Dr is a Commercial Property located in the city of Toronto. 464-468 Winona Dr has been listed For Sale at $24,990,000 since Jan 11 2024. This Land Land . Situated in Oakwood Village neighbourhood , with the nearest intersection being St. Clair and Winona.


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ForestHill Signature
ForestHill Signature
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